Sunday, March 20, 2016

Mock Bobbles Cowl

The March Holiday Stashdown CAL pattern is the Mock Bobbles Cowl, found HERE.  Nice texture!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Video of the Week: Travel in time for a cello lesson with Leonard Rose

Back to 1978!   41 minutes if you can make time to watch it all - a good lesson!

Watch his smooth bow change early in the video.  Much good advice here - he covers a lot of ground! 

Students: What instruction on this video did you find the most helpful?

2016 Stashdown CAL ... Bootcuffs

Here are the boot cuffs which were our Stashdown February pattern (found HERE).  Not without some difficulties, but they turned out okay.  I omitted the last two rows due to yarn shortage! (No mention of leg shortage needed. :-))