Sunday, February 14, 2016

Mini crochet

I started making a pair of crocheted pants... but when they weren't looking that great, this skirt happened...
But her arms looked cold in that matching sweater, so...
Thanks for the chairs, Jean!  How did you know? (Should I make next summer's fairy garden to a different scale? Maybe one of these was a fairy in disguise?)

Rather than weave in ends after dark yesterday (navy and black are best worked in the daylight!), I gave Miss Brown Dress a shrug to keep her arms warm. Here's the back (pardon the hospital gown effect! ...might get back to the sewing machine and velcro in a few days).
Off to weave in ends now...


  1. I love the blue and grey crocheted dress! So pretty! M.

  2. Thanks, M! It's actually a skirt and sweater set in two pieces.
