Saturday, January 22, 2011

One Minute Pointers

From Parents as Partners - a few little gems from the One Minute Pointers.

  • Do everything in your power to keep your child playing their instrument.
  • Practice every day for consistent progress.  No one enjoys doing what they are not good at.
  • Don't underestimate the social value of music.  Participate in groups. Music friends will help keep your child grounded through the teen years.
  • You are helping to nurture beautiful tone, and the beautiful hearts that our world needs.
  • Enjoy the process. Don't push.
  • Play persistently and positively when you practice with your child. That is, PLAY in the fun and games sense!
  • TTT = Things Take Time.
  • Listen to your child, listen to the lesson, listen to music together and talk about it.
  • Communicate with your child's teacher.
  • This time with your child is precious - love it, value it, rise to it.
  • Keep a healthy sense of perspective.  Don't compare your child to others.  Music is not a race.
  • Mistakes are a natural part of the journey. Celebrate what your child does well and view mistakes as a chance to grow.
  • Do exactly what the teacher instructs - no more, no less. This gives you the best value for your music lesson dollar.  Your teacher has a long-term plan.  Trust their expertise.
  • Enjoy this time with your child.


  1. Ok, how much do I LOVE the name of this blog! Love it. End of story. I look forward to following this one!

  2. Thanks, Brenda. I'll talk more about the name in some future post!
